There is a habit I have noticed that denominational people have developed that some of our members have picked up that is not scriptural. Nowhere does the Bible say we are to pray directly to Jesus (or to the Virgin Mary or other "saint" for that matter). Jesus and Paul both several times say that it is the Father who is to be addressed and glorified. He is the head honcho even though by man's deduction Jesus may be made His equal because he has been given "All authority" and He was in on the creation. I am also aware that Jesus says He and the Father are one. The apostles could ask Jesus directly for whatever. The fact remains, when it comes to prayer, man has been told to address the Father in Jesus name. I don't want to second-guess God. Saul did. (See 1 Sam 15:22) Denominational people who do not observe the Lord's supper weekly (which is what we are to do out of gratitude for Jesus) feel a greater need to express thanks however erroneously. Read Mat 6:9 and Luke 11:2 for Jesus instructions, and John 17:1 for his example. Eph 5:20, Col 3:17 and Rom 15:6 are some of Paul's instructions.